Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

She Caved

I've been making a pest of myself for years. Every time I saw Linda it was always the same question, " Will you teach a class at Paper Crown? " Her answers varied a little, " I'll think about it, I have a really good friend who you should call (Bobbie and thank you), What could I teach- seriously?, I don't know if that's my thing, or many times just a sweet smile- I think it translated to you are more annoying than a curious 3 year old.

Thank goodness someone at Glitter Market got Linda at the perfect time and she has agreed to teach her first class at Paper Crown.  I am so excited to have Linda teach at the store and as I have said a hundred times, and confirmed this weekend during my TX art tour, we have the best teachers ANYWHERE.

Here are the specifics-
Coffee Filter Flowers
July 18th
The talented Linda Land

Call Paper Crown, 405 848-2389 to reserve your class seat.

I'm hoping we have such a good turn out and of course we will have fun that Linda decides she might be able to teach one more- keep your fingers crossed

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