Senin, 03 Oktober 2005

"EU foreign ministers agree on membership talks with Turkey"

Economist: The European Union and Turkey have finally agreed on a negotiating framework that will allow formal talks on Turkish membership of the EU to begin.

EU's Press Relies

Worldbank: "Turkey has today crossed the bridge to Europe. This date will go down as one of the most important days in Turkey's history. The opening of accession negotiations with the EU represents an historic moment for Turkey and the EU. The negotiations will be long and cover many difficult subjects, however the end result will bring great benefits to Turkey, the EU and the wider world. The World Bank applauds the decision of the EU Council of Ministers to approve the Framework Agreement and looks forward to supporting Turkey and the EU during the accession process."

Selasa, 21 Juni 2005

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2005

Book: "Turkey: Economic Reform & Accession to the European Union"
Turkey: Economic Reform & Accession to the European Union
co-edited by Sübidey Togan & Bernard M. Hoekman
Publisher: World Bank Publications (May 15, 2005)
World Bank Trade and Development Series, Paperback: 400 pages, ISBN: 0821359320

Rabu, 04 Mei 2005

EC: "EU's Bilateral Trade Relations with Turkey"

The EU and Turkey are linked by a Customs Union agreement, which came in force on 31 December 1995, pursuant to the 1963 EU-Turkey Association Agreement, which aims at promoting trade and economic relations. The Customs Union is ambitious but does not cover essential economic areas, such as agriculture, to which bilateral trade concessions apply, services or public procurement. Turkey has been a candidate country since 1999. For more information:

EC: "EU's Enlargement & Relations with Turkey"

Country profile, key documents, reportsa, statistics, links, etc.

Kamis, 28 April 2005

Conference: "Turkey's Accession Negotiations with the EU: Political, Economic and Social Transformation"

Konferans: "Türkiye'nin AB ile Müzakere Süreci: Siyasi, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Dönüşüm"
International Jean Monnet Conference - Uluslararası Jean Monnet Konferansı
28 - 29 April 2005 - Istanbul Ceylan Intercontinental

Rabu, 06 April 2005

wiiw: "Turkey: Macroeconomic Vulnerability, Competitiveness and the Labour Market"

by Josef Pöschl, Hermine Vidovic, Julia Wörz and Vasily Astrov (
Series: wiiw's Current Analyses and Country Profiles, No. 21, April 2005
116 pages including 42 Tables and 26 Figures
For more information: please click here
Pdf: download

Sabtu, 02 April 2005

Nowak-Lehmann Danzinger et al.: "The Impact of a Customs Union between Turkey and the EU on Turkey's Exports to the EU: A Reassessment of the Paradox"

by Nowak-Lehmann Danzinger, Felicitas, Dierk Herzer, Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso, and Sebastian Vollmer (
Series: DIW's Working Papers Series, No. 483, April 2005, 31 pages
For more information: please click here; PDF: download

Jumat, 01 April 2005

FERB: "Business Guide to Turkey"

Prepared by: Froeign Economic Relations Board (FERB)
Hazırlayan: Dış Ekonomik İkişkiler Kurulu (DEİK)
April/Nisan 2005

Selasa, 22 Februari 2005

Dr. Faruk Selçuk has passed away... - Dr. Faruk Selçuk'un vefatı...

Faruk Selçuk

Dr. Faruk Selçuk, one of the most productive, young Turkish economists, has passed away on the 22nd of February 2005. (Değerli iktisatçı, Bilkent Üniversitesi öğretim üyesi dostumuz Dr. Faruk Selçuk'u 22 Şubat 2005 günü kaybettik.)
Taziye Defteri:
Web Sayfası:

Faruk's Downloadable Papers in EconPapers:

Selasa, 01 Februari 2005

Lejour & de Mooij: "Turkish Delight: Does Turkey's Accession to the EU Bring Economic Benefits?"

by Arjan M. Lejour and Ruud A. de Mooij
Kyklos, 58(1): 87-, February 2005
PDF: (Access to full text is restricted to subscribers.)
Abstract: We explore the economic implications of the possible Turkish accession to the European Union. We focus on three main changes associated with Turkish membership: (i) accession to the internal European Market; (ii) institutional reforms in Turkey triggered by EU-membership; and (iii) migration in response to the free movement of workers. Overall, the macroeconomic implications for EU countries are small but positive. European exports increase by around 20%. Turkey experiences larger economic gains than the EU: consumption per capita is estimated to rise by about 4% as a result of accession to the internal market and free movement of labour. If Turkey would succeed in reforming its domestic institutions in response to EU-membership, consumption per capita in Turkey could raise by an additional 9%. These benefits would spill over to the EU.