Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Summer Fun- First Mondays

I think I can speak for everyone- this weather pattern needs to head on out- actually it just needs to dissipate into thin air. I know we are all so very tired of warnings, watches and threats. Hopefully next week's weather will be much, much better and either way we are going to start the week and the month off right with "First Monday."

The first Mondays of June, July and August will be Paper Crown's " First Monday. " Join us on the first Monday of the summer months from 11-2 for some fun and free crafting. It is similar to what we have done summer's past; however this summer, it is over the lunch hour and not at night.  This is a come and go time to learn a new technique and make a little something. Brown bags are welcome and in addition, from 11-2 you will get 15% off your total purchase.

Hope you can join us this Monday June, 3 from 11-2 to kick off the summer and " First Monday"

Also don't forget Hope for Oklahoma auction runs through Friday !
Thanks Heather for an amazing job. It's amazing the success so far and it is will just explode on Friday.

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