Senin, 06 Mei 2013

Glitter Wrap Up

Whew! Who was the bright person that thought a birthday party for 15 9 yr olds was a smart thing to do immediately following Glitter Market. Sometimes I think my hair should be white blond. Nevertheless it all got done and went off with out a hitch -just a mess.

What a weekend! Once again I want to thank everyone who come out on Saturday to support Glitter Market. It definitely was a stay in bed morning but so many of you were here to greet us when we opened the doors. We really are so very lucky we have so much talent in our "backyard"  and that we have such an active community that supports so many artists' talents and their passions.  Thank you Holly, Linda, Bobbie, Jackie, Medeah, Leslie and Arlene you amaze me and inspire me and I'm honored to call each of you a friend.

A special thank you to all my travelers- Colette from Canada, Charlotte from Dallas and Michael and Kendall from Ft. Worth.  You all could showcase your talents much closer to home but each of you have repeatedly made the flight/ drive to OKC to come to Glitter Market. I so appreciate the sacrifices you made and am honored to have you. At least for the day, you are honorary Okies! As like the others, you amaze me and inspire me and I'm glad to call each of you a friend. Ann-Denise you are one lucky girl, I can only imagine sending Austin and Emory to an event to vend for me- might have to send that duo to 31 Wishes : )

I don't have many pictures, I  must have been more scattered this year. Here is what I have or have taken from Jackie or Bobbie- Thanks girls for covering my you know what- again.

Jackie's booth was overflowing at 10 and by 11- slim pickins'

Linda and Bobbie's booth. I never even saw what Bobbie brought. I think Ms. Knox got the picture I was eyeing. 

Miss Kendall filling in for her mom, Ann-Denise.

Medeah and Peggy before the rush.

Arlene's cakes were once again a hit.

Beautiful work by Colette.

 Sorry the pic is a little blurry but the jewelry stunning

Beautiful Holly and her sweet booth.

and now from Bobbie...

A happy customer, Lisa.

Thanks for another great Glitter Market- see you in November!
nite, nite

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