Senin, 24 September 2012

It Will Be a Hoot!

Tomorrow evening's class is sure to be a HOOT! The class is large but Miss Bobbie has come up with just a few more owls so it isn't too late to sign up for this adorable Halloween class. First couple to call are the lucky students!
 Tuesday, Sept. 25th
5:30-8:00 pm
Bobbie, $45

I had a long commute this morning. Approx. 3 hours to be exact. As some of you know,  I got married this April but we don't have what you would consider a conventional marriage- at least not now. Austin lives and works in Dallas with his 2 kiddos and I live and work in OKC with my 3 kiddos. None of our middle school and high school kiddos wanted to leave their friends, activities and schools to move to another state so for the time being- 4 yrs. and 8 mos. to be exact- we will be going north and south on the weekends.

If I leave Paper Crown at 4 on Saturdays, I can be at the house on Sunnyland (don't you love that name) by 7:30, just in time for dinner. Last night we had a neighborhood dinner and I was able to meet a lot of my neighbors. It is a fun street full of young families with lots and lots of cute kiddos! Austin and I are the oldest by far, except for the lady at the end of the street who is 90 and has a flourishing digital art business.

One of my favorites from last night was the little girl next door. She tugged on my shorts and asked, " Are you a bride?" I responded " well, I was in April."  She then wanted to know if I was married and I said " Yes,  to Austin. "  She then wanted to now if that was my red boy car in the driveway and I said " yes." She then looked at me and asked, " Well if you are married why don't you live here, I never see your car?" When I explained that I lived in OKC with my kids, she wanted to know where they were. Then she wanted to know how we could be married but live in different cities. I'm beginning to realize how very confusing this must be to a 6 yr. old- and a 40 yr. old. I tried to explain that my kids didn't want to leave their schools or their friends and I had a store in OKC.

So of course she asked what kind of store. I replied a craft and scrapbook store and she wanted to know what I had in my store. I told her papers, ribbons, stamps, paint, glitter. Her eyes lit up " You have GLITTER!" I told her I have lots of glitter and her response was "my neighbor has a store full of GLITTER and it's not HERE!" I promised to bring glitter next time I headed south. I think I just got my first customer for the southern Paper Crown!

New Webster's Pages , Authentique and October Afternoon should be arriving this week!           

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