Miss Donna will kick it off this weekend with her beautiful advent calendar class. It's a full house but there are 2 coveted spots still available. Donna's class will be this Sunday from 1-5 pm, come create while your hubby is watching football. Cost is $45.00 and includes all supplies. If you are enrolled please bring your regular class kit in addition to Aleen's Fast Grab glue and a bag of wooden clothespins. It will be a great way to relax on a Sunday afternoon but only 2 spots left.
Next week is full of b-day parties, classes and GLITTER MARKET!!!
we will turn this into.....
The official Glitter Market countdown will begin tomorrow so check daily. You will be amazed at all the pretties that will be for sale.
Some Christmas goodies to get you in the spirit.
A special glittery thank you to Prince Charming who told me this am he is driving up from Dallas to man a garage sale, at my house all by himself, tomorrow and Sunday. I think he is tired of tripping over all my junk. Always before I have planned for weeks to have a garage sale. This one we are throwing together tonight- maybe this time I will make some extra cash. I can tell you this that stuff is not entering my house again. So come see Austin at the garage sale, or me at the store tomorrow - divide and conquer!
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