Bachelor of Engineering and Technology(B.Tech.)
1st and 2nd Semester...(B.Tech.)
(AM-101) Engineering Mathematics-I Dec.2008
(AM-101) Engineering Mathematics-I May 2008
(AM-102) Engineering Mathematics-II Dec.2008
(AMA-102) Mathematics-II Dec.2008
(AMA-102) Mathematics-II May-2008
(CH-101) Engineering Chemistry Dec.2008
(CHM-101) Chemistry May-2008
(CH-101) Enginering Chemistry May-2008
(CH-103) Engineering Chemistry Laboratory Dec.2008
(CS-101) Fundamentals of Computer Programming and IT
(CS-101) Information Technology
(CS-103) Fundamentals of Computer Programming and IT Practicals Dec.2008
(CS-103) Fundamentals of Computer Programming and IT Laboratory Dec.2008
(EE-101) Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dec.2008
(EE-101) Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering May-2008
(EE-101) Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering May-2008
(EE-103) Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab. Dec.2008
(HU-101) Communication Skills Dec.2008
(HU-103) Communication Skill Lab. Dec.2008
(ME-101) Elements of Mechanical Engineering Dec.2008
( ME-101) Elements of mechanical Engineering May-2008
(ME-102) Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics Dec.2008
(ME-104) Manufacturing Practice Dec.2008
(ME-105) Computer Graphics Lab. Dec.2008
(PH-101) Engineering Physics Dec.2008
(PH-103) Engineering Physics Laboratory Dec.2008
Civil Engineering...(B.Tech.)
3rd Semester...(B.Tech.Civil)
(CE-201) Survey-1 Dec.2008
(CE-203) Fluid Mechanics-I Dec.2008
(CE-203) Fluid Mechanics-I Dec.-2007
(CE-205) Building Material
(CE-205) Building Material Dec.-2007
(CE-207) Solid Mechanics Dec.2008
(CE-207) Sold Mechanics May-2008
(CE-207) Sold Mechanics Dec.2007
(CE-209) Lab-1(Fluid Mechanics-1)
(CE-211) Lab-II(Solid Mechanics)3
(CE-213) Workshop Training of 4 Weeks duration after 2nd semester
(HU-253) Principals of Economics and Management
(HUM-253) Principals of Economics and Management May-2008
(HM-253) Principals of Economics and Management Dec.-2007
4th Semester...(B.Tech.Civil)
(CE-202) Survey-II
(CE-204) Fluid Mechanics-II
(CE-204) Fluid Mechanics-II May-2008
(CE-206) Building Construction
(CE-206) Building Construction May-2008
(CE-208) Structural Analysis-I
(CE-208) Structural analysis-I May-2008
(CE-208) Structural analysis-I Dec.2007
(CE-210) Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology
(CE-210) Rock (Mechanics and Engineering Geology May-2008
(CE-210) Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology Dec.-2007
(CE-216) Environmental Science
(CE-216) Environmental Science May-2008
5th Sem...(B.Tech.Civil)
(CE-301) Construction Machinery and Works Management
CE-301) contruction Machinery and Works Management May-2008
(CE-303) Design of steel Structures-I
(CE-303) Design of steel Structures-I May 2008
(CE-303) Steel Structures Dec.-2007
(CE-305) Structural analysis-II
(CE-305) Structural analysis-II May-2008
(CE-305) Structural Analysis-II Dec.-2007
(CE-307) Design of Concrete Structures-I
(CE-307) Design of Concrete Structures-I Dec.-2007
(CE-309) Environmental Engineering-I
(CE-309) Environmental Engineering-I Dec.-2007
(CE-309) Environmental Engineering-I May-2008
(CE-311) Transportation Engineering-I
(CE-311) Transportation Engineering-I Dec.-2007
6th and 7th Semester...(B.Tech.Civil)
(CE-302) Transportation Engineering-II
(CE-302) Transportation Engineering-II May-2008
(CE-304) Geo technical Engineering
(CE-304) Geo Technical Engineering May-2008
(CE-306) Irrigation Engineering-I
(CE-306) Irrigation Engineering-I May-2008
(CE-306) Irrigation Engineering-I Dec.-2007
(CE-308) Professional Practice
(CE-308) Professional Practice May-2008
(CE-310) Design of Concrete Structures-II
(CE-310) Design of Concrete Structures-II
(CE-310) Design of Concrete structures-II Dec.-2007
CE-312) Structural analysis-III
(CE-312) Structural Analysis-III May-2008
8th Sem...(B.Tech.Civil)
(CE-402) Hydrology and Dams
(CE-402) Hydrology and Dams May-2008
(CE-404) Earthquake Resistant Structures
(CE-404) Earthquake Resistant structures May-2008
(CE-406) Environmental Engineering-II
(CE-408) Design of Steel Structures-II
(CE-408) Design of steel Structures-II May-2008
(CE-410) Irrigation Engineering-II
(CE-410) Irrigation Engineering-II Dec.-2007
(CE-412) Foundation Engineering
(CE-412) Foundation Engineering May-2008
(CE-412) Foundation Engineering Dec.-2007
Electronics and Communication...(B.Tech.)
3rd Sem...(B.Tech.ECE)
(AM-201) Applied Mathematics-III
(CS-252) Programming using C++
(CS-254) Lab-III (Object Oriented Programming)
(EC-201) Electronics Devices and Circuits
(EC-201) Electronics Circuitsand Devices Dec.-2007
(EC-203) Measurement and Instrumentation Object Oriented
(EC-203) Measurement and Instrumentation Dec.-2007
(EC-205) Lab-1 (Electronic Devices and Networks)
(EC-207) Lab-II (Instrumentation)
(EE-201) Network Analysis and Synthesis.
4th Sem....(B.Tech.ECE)
(EC-202) Analog Electronics
(EC-202) Analog Electronics May-2008
(EC-202) Analog Electronics Dec.-2007
(EC-204) Digital Electronics
(EC-204) Digital Electronics Dec.-2007
(EC-204) Digital Electronics May-2008
(EC-206) Signals and systems
(EC-206) Signals and Systems Dec.-2007
(EC-206) Signals and systems May-2008
(EC-208) Electromagnetic Field Theory
(EC-208) Electromagnetic Field Theory Dec.-2007
(EC-208) Electromagnetic field Theory May-2008
(EC-210) Lab-IV (Analog Electronics)
(EC-212) Lab-V (Digital Electronics)
(IC-204) Linear Control Systems
(IC-204) Linear Control Systems May-2008
(IC-212) Lab-VI (Linear Control Systems)
5th Sem....(B.Tech.ECE)
(EC-301) Analog Communication Systems
C-301) Analog Communication Systems May-2008
(EC-301) Analog Communication Systems Dec.-2007
(EC-303) Antenna and Wave Propagation
(EC-303) Antenna and Wave Propagation Dec.2007
(EC-303) Antenna and Wave Propagation May 2008
(EC-305) Linear Integrated Circuits
(EC-305) Linear Integrated Circuits Dec.-2007
(EC-305) Linear Integrated Circuits May-2008
(EC-307) Microprocessors and its applications
(EC-307) Microprocessors and its applications May-2008
(EC-307) Microprocessors and its applications Dec. 2007
(EC-309) Pulse,digital and Switching Circuits
(EC-309) Pulse, digital and Switching Circuits Dec.-2007
(EC-311) Lab-VII (Analog Communication Systems)
(EC-313) Lab-VIII (Linear Integrated Circuits)
(EC-315) Lab-IX (Microprocessors)
(ME-251) Total Quality Management
6th and 7th Sem....(B.Tech.ECE)
(CE-216) Environment Science
(EC-302) Microwave and Radar Engineering
(EC-302) microwave and Engineering May-2008
(EC-302) Microwave and engineering Dec.-2007
(EC-306) Micro Controller and Embedded Systems
EC-306)Micro Controller and Embedded systems May-2008
(EC-306) Micro Controller and Embedded Systems Dec.-2007
(EC-308) Digital Signal Processing
(EC-308) Digital Signal Processing May-2008
(EC-308) Digital Signal Processing Dec.-2007
(EC-304) Digital Communication
(EC-304) Digital Communication Dec.-2007
(EC-304) Digital communication May-2008
Department Elective-1
(EC-310) Lab-X (Microwave engineering)
(EC-312) Lab-XI (Digital Communication)
(EC-314) Lab-XII (Micro -Controller)
(EC-318) Lab-XIII (Digital Signal Processing)
8th Sem...(B.Tech.ECE)
(EC-404) Computer Network
(EC-404) Optical Fiber Communication
(EC-406) VLSI Design and Technology
Department Elective-II
Department Elective-III
(EC-408) Lab-XIV (VLSI)
(EC-410) Major Project
Electrical Engg...(B.Tech.)
3rd Sem...(B.Tech.EE)
(AM-201) Applied Mathematics-III
(AM-201) Applied Mathematics-III May- 2008
(EE-201) Network Analysis and Synthesis
(EE-201) Network analysis and Synthesis May-2008
(EE-203) Magnetic Circuits and Transformers
(EE-205) Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments
(CS-252) Object Oriented Programming
(EE-207) Electronic Devices and Circuits
(EE-207) Electronic Devices and Circuits may-2008
(EE-209) Lab-I (Electronics and Networks)
(EE-211) Lab-II (Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments)
(CS-254) Lab-III (Object Oriented Programming)
(EE-213) Electrical Workshop Training
4th Sem...(B.Tech.EE)
(EE-202) Electromechanical Energy Conversation and DC Machines
(IC-204) Linear Control Systems
(EE-204) Applied Electronics
(EE-204) Applied Electronics May-2008
(EE-206) Instrumentation Engineering
(EE-206) Instrumentation Engineering May-2008
(EC-204) Digital Electronics
(EE-208) Electrical Engineering Material
(EE-208) Electrical Engineering Material May-2008
(EC-210) Lab-IV (Applied Electronics Lab )
(EC-212) Lab-V (Digital Electronics Lab)
(EE-210) Lab-VI (Control and Instrumentation Lab)
(EE-212) Lab-VII (Electric Machines-I Lab)
5th Sem...(B.Tech.EE)
(EE-301) Asynchronous Machines
(EE-301) Asynchronous Machines May-2008
(EE-303) Electromagnetic Field Theory
(EE-303) Electromagnetic Field Theory May-2008
(EE-303)Electromagnetic field Theory Dec.-2007
(EE 305) Power System-I (Transmission and Distribution)
(EE-305) Power system-I may-2008
(EE-307) Microprocessors and Interfacing
(EE-309) Power Electronics
(EE-309) Power Electronics may-2008
(EE-311/AM-351) Numerical Analysis
(EE-313) Lab-VIII (Microprocessor Lab)
(EE-315) Lab-IX (Power Electronics Lab)
(EE-317/AM-353) Lab-X (Numerical Analysis Lab)
(EE-319) Lab-XI (Control Systems Using MATLAB)
6th and 7th Sem...(B.Tech.EE)
(EE-302) Synchronous Machines
(EE-304) Electric Drives and Utilization
(EE-304) Electric Drives and Utilization May- 2008
(EE-306) Power System-II (Switchgear and Protection)
(EE-306) Power System-II May-2008
(CE-216) Environmental Science
(CE-216) Environmental Science Dec.-2007
(ME-352) Power Plant Engineering
(ME-251) Total Quality Management may-2008
(ME-251) Human Quality Management Dec.-2007
(HU-251) Human Resource management Dec.2007
Open Elective
(EE-308) Lab-XII (Electrical Machines-II Lab)
(EE-310) Lab-XIII (Software Lab. Visual Basic Programming)
(EE-312) Lab-XIV (Power Systems-II)
(EE-314) Minor Project
8th Sem...(B.Tech.EE)
(EE-402) Computer Aided Power System analysis
(EE-402) Computer Aided Power System Analysis May-2008
(EE-404) Non-linear and Digital Control Systems
(EE-404) Non-Liner and Digital Control Systems May-2008
(EE-406) Generation of Electric Power
(EE-406) Generation of Electric Power May-2008
(CS-452) Fuzzy Logics and Systems Dec.-2007
(EE-408) Lab-XV (CAPSA Lab)
(EE-410) Lab-XVI (Power System Design)
(EE-412) Seminar
(EE-414) Project Work
Computer Science...(B.Tech.)
3rd Sem....(B.Tech.CSE)
(CS-201) Computer Architecture
(CS-201) Computer Architecture May-2008
(CS-201) computer Arcgitecture Dec.-2007
(CS-203) Mathematics-III
(CS-203) Mathematics-III May-2008
(CS-203) Mathematics-III Dec.-2007(CS-205) Digital Circuits and Logic Design
(CS-205) Digital Circuits and Logic Design
(CS-205) Digital Circuits and Logic Design Dec.-2007
(CS-207) Data Structures and Programming Methodology
(CS-207) Data structures and Programming Methodology Dec.2007
(CS-209) Written and Oral Technical Communication
(CS-209) Communication Skill for Scientists and engineers may-2008
(CS-209) Communication skill for Scientists and engineers Dec.-2007
(CS-211) Programming Languages
(CS-211) Programming Languages May-2008
(CS-211) Programming Languages Dec.-2007
(CS-213) Software Lab-I (DSPM)
(CS-215) Institutional Practical Training
(CS-217) Hardware Lab-I (DCLD)
(CS-219) Software Lab-II (PL)
4th Sem...(B.Tech.CSE)
(CS-204) Operating System
(CS-204) Discrete Structures
(CS-206) Data Communication
(CS-206) Data Communication May-2008
(CS-206) Data Communication Dec.-2007
(CS-208) Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming
(CS-208) Microprocessor & Assembly Language Programming May-2008
(CS-208) Microprocessor and assembly Language Programming Dec.-2007
(CS-210) Systems Programming
(CS-210) Systems Programming may-2008
(CS-210) System Programming Dec.-2007
(CS-212) Software Lab-III (OS)
(CS-214) H/W Lab.-II (DC)
(CS-216) H/W Lab.-III (Microprocessor and assembly Language)
(CS-218) Software Lab-III (SP)
5th Sem...(B.Tech.CSE)
(CS-301) System Analysis and Design
(CS-301) System Analysis and Design May-2008
(CS-301) System Analysis and Design Dec.-2007
(CS-303) Computer Networks
(CS-303) Computer Network Dec.-2007
(CS-305) DBMS
(CS-305) Data Base Management System May-2008
(CS-305) Data Base Management System Dec.-2007
(CS-307) Design and Analysis of Algorithms
(CS-307) Designof alogorithm Analysis & Design May-2008
(CS-307) Design of Alogorithm Analysis and Design Dec.-2007
(CS-309) Computer Graphs
(CS-309) Computer Graphs Dec.-2007
(CS-311) Computer Peripherals and Interfaces
(CS-311) Computer Peripherals and Interfaces Dec.-2007
(CS-313) Software Lab-IV (DBMS Lab)
(CS-315) H/W Lab-IV (Data Communication)
(CS-317) Software Lab-V (Algorithms)
(CS-319) S/W Lab-VI (Computer Graphics)
6th and 7th Sem...(B.Tech.CSE)
(CS-302) Relational Database Management system-II
(CS-302) relation Database Management System-II May-2008
(CS-304) Introduction to Business System
(CS-304) Introduction to Business System May-2008
(CS-306) Asynchronous Transfer Mode
(CS-306) Asynchronous Transfer Mode May-2008
(CS-308) Software Engineering
(CS-308) Software Engineering May-2008
(CS-312) Open Elective
(CS-314) H/W Lab-V (ATM)
(CS-316) S/W Lab-VII (RDBMS-II)
(CS-318) S/W Lab-VIII (S/W Engg.)
(CS-320) S/W Lab-IX (Business System)
(CS-324) Real Time System May-2008
(CS-324) Real Time System Dec.-2007
8th Sem...(B.Tech.CSE)
(CS-402) Symbolic Logic and Logic Processing
(CS-402) Computer Networks May-2008
(CS-404) Formal Language and Automate Theory
(CS-406) Project
(CS-408) Principles of Engineering Economics and Management Techniques
(CE-216) Environmental Sciences
Department Elective-II
Department Elective-III
Department Elective-III Lab
(CS-416) Software Lab XIII (SI&LP)
(CS-312) Computers and Society (For other Branches only)
(CS-310) Computer Vision
(CS-322) System Hardware Design
(CS-324) Real Time Systems
(CS-326) Operation Research
(CS-328) Language Processor
(CS-330) Natural Language Processing
List of Electives-II
(CS-410) Organizational Structure
(CS-416) Overview of IT Materials
(CS-418) System Simulation and Modeling
(CS-420) Emerging Technologies and Current IT-Trends
List of Electives-II
(CS-412) Graphical User Interface
(CS-422) advanced Microprocessor
(CS-424) Expert System
(CS-426) Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
List of Electives-III
(CS-414) Graphical User Interfaces
(CS-428) Advanced Microprocessor
(CS-430) Expert System
(CS-432) Image Processing and Pattern recognition
Information Technology...(B.Tech.)
3rd Sem...(B.Tech.IT)
(CS-201) Computer Architecture
(CS-203) Mathematics-III
(CS-205) Digital Circuits and Logic Design
(CS-207) Data Structures and Programming Methodology
(CS-209) Written and oral Technical Communication
(CS-211) Programming Languages
(CS-213) Software Lab-I(DSPM)
(CS-215) Institutional Practical Training
(CS-217) Hardware Lab-I(DCLD)
(CS-219) Software Lab-II(PL)
4th Sem...(B.Tech.IT)
(CS-202) Operating System
(CS-204) Discrete Structures
(CS-206) Data Communication
(CS-208) Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming
(CS-210) Systems Programming
(CS-212) Software Lab-III (OS)
(CS-214) H/W Lab-II (DC)
(CS-216) H/W Lab-III (Microprocessor)
(CS-218) Software Lab-IV (SP)
(CS-220) Industrial Institutional Training
5th Sem...(B.Tech.IT)
(CS-301) System Analysis and Design
(IT-303) Windows Programming
(IT-303) Windows Programming May-2008
(CS-305) Data Base Management System
(IT-307) Electronics Commerce
(IT-307) Electronics commerce May-2008
(IT-309) Parallel Architecture and Computing
(IT-309) Paralled Architecture and Computing May-2008
(IT-311) Windows Programming Lab.
(CS-313) Data Base Management System Lab
(IT-315) Electronics Commerce Lab
6th Sem...(B.Tech.IT)
(IT-302) Advanced Internet Technology
(IT-302) Advance Internet technology May-2008
(IT-304) Management Information System
(IT-304) Management Information System May-2008
(IT-306) Web Administration
(IT-306) Web Administration May-2008
(IT-308) Network Operating System
(IT-308) Network Operating System May-2008
(IT-310) Open Elective
(IT-314) MIS Lab.
(IT-316) Web Administration Lab.
(IT-318) Network Operating System Lab.
8th Sem...(B.Tech.IT)
(IT-402) Introduction to Java
(IT-402) Introduction to Java May-2008
(IT-410) Major Project
(IT-412) Java Practical Lab.
(IT-416) Modeling and Simulation
(IT-408) Software Project Management
(IT-408) Software Project Management May-2008
Mechanical Engineering...(B.Tech.)
3rd Sem...(B.Tech.Mechanical)
(AM-201) Mathematics-III
(ME-201) Strength of materials-I
(ME-203) Theory of Machines
(ME-205) Machine of Drawing
(ME-207) Applied Thermodynamics-I
(ME-209) Manufacturing Process-I
(ME-207/209) Applied thermodynamics-I May-2008
(ME-211) Strength of Materials-I Lab.
(ME-213) Theory of Machines Lab.
(ME-215) Applied Thermodynamics-I Lab
(ME-217) Manufacturing Process-I Lab.
(ME-219) Workshop Training
4th Sem...(B.Tech.Mechanical)
(ME-202) Engineering Materials and Metallurgy
(ME-204) Strength of materials-II
(ME-202/204) Strength of Matrial-II May-2008
(ME-206) Theory of Machines-II
(ME-206/208) Fluid Mechanics-I May-2008
(ME-208) Fluid Mechanics-I
(ME-210) Applied Thermodynamics-II
(ME-208/210) Applied Thermodynamics May-2008
(ME-212) Manufacturing Process-II
(ME-214) Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Lab
(ME-216) Fluid Mechanics-I Lab
(ME-218) Manufacturing Process-II Lab
5th Sem...(B.Tech.Mechanical)
(ME-310) Machine Design-I
(ME-301) Machine Design-I Lab
(ME-301) Machine Design-I May-2008
(ME-303) Heat transfer
(ME-303) Heat Transfer May-2008
(ME-313) Heat transfer-Lab
(ME-305) Automobile Engineering
(ME-305) Automobile Engineering May-2008
(ME-315) Automobile Engineering- Lab
(ME-307) Mechanical Measurement and Petrology
(ME-317) Mechanical Measurement and Petrology- Lab
(ME-309) Numerical Methods in Engineering
(ME-309) numerical Methods in Engineering May-2008
(ME-319) Numerical Methods in Engineering- Lab
(ME-321) Computer Aided Drafting- Lab
(ME-251) Total Quality Management May-2008
6th and 7th Sem...(B.Tech.Mechanical)
(ME-302) Machine Design-II
(ME-302) Machine Design-II May-2008
(ME-310) Machine Design-II Lab
(ME-304) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
(ME-312) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lab
(ME-306) Fluid Machinery
(ME-306) Fluid Machinery May-2008
(ME-314) Fluid Machinery- Lab
(PE-408) Industrial Automation and Robotics
(PE-414) Industrial Automation and Robotics- Lab
(CE-216) Environmental Science
( ME-251) Total Quality Management May-2008
8th Sem...(B.Tech.Mechanical)
(ME-402) Industrial Safety Environment
(ME-404) CAD/CAM
(ME-410) CAD/CAM -Lab
(ME-406) Operations Research
(ME-408) Mechanical Vibrations
(ME-412) Mechanical Vibrations -Lab
(DE/PE-2.1) Industrial Engg. May-2008
(DE/ME-1.3) Non conventional energy resource May-2008
(DE/ME-1.3) Human Resources management May-2008
DE/PE-2.1) industrial engineering May-2008
Open Elective
Department Elective-II
(ME-414) Project General Fitness Advisory meeting
(DE/ME-3.7) Theory of Plasticity
(DE/ME-3.8) Mechatronics
Production Engineering...(B.Tech.)
3rd Sem...(B.Tech.Production)
(PE-201) Strength of Material-I
(PE-203) Machine Drawing
(PE-205) Thermal Engineering
(PE-207) Theory of Machines
(PE-207)Theory of Machines May-2008
(HU-251) Industrial Organization and Management Information System
(ME-209) Manufacturing Processing
(ME-209) Manufacturing Processing may-2008
(PE-209) Lab-I (Strength of Materials-I)
(PE-211) Lab-II (Thermal Engineering)
(PE-213) Lab-III (Theory of Machines)
(ME-217) Lab-IV (Manufacturing Processes -I)
4th Sem...(B.Tech.Production)
(PE-202) Design of Machine Elements
(PE-202) design of Machine Elements May-2008
(PE-204) Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery
(PE-204) Fluid Mechanics Fluid machinery May-2008
(PE-206) Manufacturing Processes -II
(PE-206) Manufacturing Processes-II may-2008
(PE-208) Statistics and Numerical Analysis
(PE-208) Statistics and Numerical Analysis May-2008
(ME-205) Engineering Materials and Metallurgy
(PE-210) Design of Machine Elements Lab.
(PE-212) Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Lab.
(PE-214) Manufacturing Processes -II Lab.
(PE-216) Statistics and Numerical Analysis Lab.
(ME-217) Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Lab.
5th Sem...(B.Tech.Production)
(PE-301) Operations Research
(PE-301) Operations Research May-2008
(PE-303) Machining Science
(PE-303) Machining Science May-2008
(PE-305) Engineering Metrology
(PE-305) Engineering Metrology May-2008
(PE-307) Metal Forming
(PE-309) Inspection and Quality Control
(PE-311) Jigs, fixtures and Press Tool Design
(PE-313) Machining Science Lab.
(PE-315) Engineering Metrology Lab.
(PE-317) Metal forming Lab.
(PE-319) Jigs, fixtures and Press Tool Design Lab.
6th and 7th Sem...(B.Tech.Production)
(PE-302) Industrial Engineering
(PE-302) Industrial Engineering may-2008
(PE-304) Modeling and Simulation
(PE-304) modeling and simulation may-2008
(PE-306) Product Design and Development
(PE-306) Product Design and development May-2008
(PE-308) Tool and Cutter Design
(PE-308) Tool and cutter design may-2008
(CE-216) Environment Science Departmental Elective-1
(PE-310) Industrial Engineering Lab.
(PE-312) Modeling and Simulation Lab.
(PE-314) Product Design and Development Lab.
8th Sem...(B.Tech.Production)
(PE-402) Computer Integrated Manufacturing
(PE-402) computer Integrated manufacturing May-2008
(PE-404) Non-Traditional Machining
(PE-406) Machine Tool Design
(PE-408) Industrial Automation and Robotics
Departmental Elective-II
Open Elective
(PE-414) Industrial Automation and Robotics Lab.
(PE-410) Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab.
(PE-412) Project
List of Elective Subjects
(DE/PE-1.1) Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing
(DE/PE-1.2) Industrial Finishing Technology
(DE/PE-1.3) Welding Technology
(DE/PE-1.4) Plastic and Ceramic Technology
(DE/ME-1.5) Non-Destructive Testing
(DE/ME-1.6) Maintenance and Reliability Engineering
(DE/PE-1.7) Investment Planing
(DE/PE-1.8) Technology Management
(DE/PE-1.9) Marketing and Financial Management
(DE/PE-2.0) Productivity Management
(DE/ME-2.1) Operation Management
(DE/ME-2.2) Total Quality Management
(DE/ME-2.3) Material Management
(DE/ME-2.4) Project Management
(DE/ME-2.5) Human Recourse Management
(DE/PE-2.6) Industrial Packing
(DE/PE-2.7) Network Analysis
(DE/PE-2.8) Environmental degradation of Materials
(DE/PE-2.9) Material Handling and Plant Layout
(DE/PE-3.0) Production Planing and Control
(DE/ME-3.1) Industrial Safety and Environment
(DE/ME-3.2) Entrepreneurship
(CS-501) Advance Software Engineering Dec.-2007
(CS-501) Advance Software Engineering May-2008
(CS-503) Network Security-Dec.2007
(CS-503) Network Security- May2008
(CS-503) Network Security May-2009
(CS-507) Advanced Database Management System May-2008
(CS-509) Advanced Programming Language-Dec.2007
(CS-511) Advanced Software Engineering Lab
(CS-513) Advanced Database Management System Lab.
(CS-502) Digital image Processing Dec-2007
(CS-502) Digital image Processing May-2008
(CS-502) Digital image Processing May-2009
(CS-504) Distributed Systems Dec-2007
(CS-504) Distributed Systems May-2008
(CS-504) Distributed Systems Dec-2009
(CS-506) Compiler Design dec-2007
(CS) Elective-I
(CS) Elective-II
(CS) Elective-III
(CS) Elective-IV
(CS-523) Project
(CS-525) Seminar
(CS-500) Dissertation
List of Electives
(CS-508) Natural Language Processing Dec-2007
(CS-508) Natural Language Processing May-2008
(CS-510) Artificial Intelligence
(CS-512) Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML Dec-2007
(CS-514) Software Engineering Methodologies Dec-2007
(CS-514) Software Engineering Methodologies May-2008
(CS-516) Embedded System
(CS-518) Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logics
(CS-515) Optimization Techniques
(CS-517) Parallel Computing
(CS-519) Fundamental Concepts of Bioinformatics
(CS-521) VLSI Design
(CS-520) Quantitative
(CS-522) Robotics
(CS-524) Object Oriented Programming with Visual Basics.NET
(CS-526) Business Information system May-2008
(MB-101) Principles and Practices of Management Dec.2007
(MB-102) Organizational Behavior Dec.2007
(MB-103) Accounting of Management Dec-2007
(MB-104) Quantitative Techniques Dec.2007
(MB-104) Quantitative Techniques May-2008
(MB-105) Managerial Economics Dec-2007
(MB-106) Seminar on Executive Communication
(MB-107) Workshop on Computers for Management
(MB-108) Viva- Voice
(MB-201) Business Environment May-2008
(MB-202) Production and Operations Management May-2008
(MB-203) Human Resource Management May-2008
(MB-204) Marketing Management May-2008
(MB-205) Financial Management May-2008
(MB-206) Workshop on Research Methodology
(MB-207) Workshop on Information Technology
(MB-208) Viva- Voice
(MB-301) Applied Operations Research
(MB-302) Corporate Legal Environment
(MB-303) Major-I
(MB-304) Major-II
(MB-305) Major-III/Minor-I
(MB-306) Seminar on Management Information Systems
(MB-307) Presentation of Training Report
(MB-308) Viva-Voice
(MB-401) Strategic Management
(MB-402) Project Evaluation
(MB-403) Major-IV
(MB-404) Major-V
(MB-405) Major-VI/Minor-II
(MB-406) Final Research Project
(MB-407) Viva-Voice
(MB-601) Marketing Research
(MB-602) Consumer Behavior and Promotion Management
(MB-603) Services Marketing
(MB-604) Product and Brand Management
(MB-605) Sales,Channel and Logistics Management
(MB-606) International Marketing
(MB-607) Rural Marketing
(MB-621) Financial Services
(MB-622) Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
(MB-623) Management of Banking and Financial Institutions
(MB-624) Direct Tax Planning
(MB-625) International Finance
(MB-626) Working Capital Management
(MB-627) Management Control System
(MB-628) Financial Engineering
(MB-641) Quality Management
(MB-642) Production Planning and Control
(MB-643) Inventory Management
(MB-644) Purchasing Management
(MB-645) Technology Management
(MB-646) Manufacturing Policy and Implementation
(MB-661) Organization Development
(MB-662) Training Development
(MB-663) Advanced Industrial Psychology
(MB-664) Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
(MB-666) Performance and Compensation
(MB-667) International Human Resource management
Information Technology
(MB-681) Programming in C/C++
(MB-682) Relational Database Management System
(MB-683) Software Engineering
(MB-684) Advanced Decision Support System
(MB-685) Introduction to Computer Network
(MB-686) E-Commerce and IT Enabled Services
(MB-687) Visual Programing