Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Meet the Masters

It has been a busy week here at Paper Crown- shipments of new goodies from My Little Shoebox, Graphic 45 and My Mind's Eye, Jackie's Mystery Book Class, birthday party, three soldering classes by master teacher and world's best house guest Miss Heather and we will conclude the week with Kid's Camp.

This month's Kid's Camp is entitled "Meet the Masters" and we will do three mini project which are representative of three master artists- Picasso, Monet & Matisse.  Kid's camp is Sunday, Feb. 27th from 1:30-4:30. Cost is $80.00. We still have a few spots open so if you are interested call Paper Crown, 848-2389.    

Picasso inspired oil pastel

Monet inspired watercolor

Matisse inspired collage portrait

Hope you have a great weekend! c

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Your Lucky Day

Today is your lucky day! We have a couple of openings in Heather Ales soldering classes this weekend. If you have not had a chance to meet Heather you are in for a treat. She is the most knowledgeable and inclusive soldering teacher we have taken from, and we have taken from several. I promise you will go away from the beginning class actually feeling comfortable soldering- and wanting to do more.

Heather has a beautiful soldered house she is teaching in April so you will want to get the basics out of the way now so you can be a part of that advanced class. I guarantee you won't want to miss out.

Openings for this weekend include:

Basic Soldering
Fri., Feb.25th
3:00-6:00 pm

Basic Soldering
Sat., Feb. 26th
10:00-1:00 pm

Intermediate Soldering
Sat., Feb. 26th
Class Pre-Requisite: attendance in Heather's basic soldering class or knowledge and experience in creating soldered charms. Students are responsible for their own equipment.

All three classes are $65.00

Call Paper Crown to reserve your class seat, 848-2389
You won't want to miss!

We also have one opening in Jackie's Mystery Book class tomorrow evening, Thursday, Feb. 24th from 5:30-8:30. Cost is $45.00. First person to call Paper Crown, 848-2389 can get this coveted spot!  

Lots of new goodies have arrived this week, come and get it while the getting is good! Have a great day!

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Holy Moly

It started out as such a quiet day- straightening up after a birthday party, checking in the remainder of the new Graphic 45, a little refeathering of Girdie's nest and THEN...

The back door bell kept ringing, the front door kept dinging and in a matter of minutes, boxes everywhere.

And last but not least...

In addition to Graphic 45 we also opened boxes from My Little Shoebox and My Mind's Eye

Lots of unpacking to do so tootle loo!

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011



Tragedi ini terjadi kerena aksi demotrasi besar-besaran rakyat Mesir  yang muak atas keadaan negara dibawah kepemimpinan presiden Husni Mubarak. Sikap otoriter Mubarak di anggap membuat keadaan di Mesir semakin kacau.
Harga sembako yang makin melonjak , pengangguran yang meningkat, tindak korupsi yang semakin meluas dan tidak adanya kebebasan untuk berbicara membuat rakyat semakin marah..
Selama 32 tahun menjabat, Mubarak diduga telah melakukan tindakan korupsi. Apalagi mengingat istri beliau sudah masuk dalam klub miliader. Kedua anaknya juga memilki property,real estate hingga kapal pesiar. Jumlah kekayaan anak petani ini mencapai 360triliyun selama menjabat sebagai presiden.
Dibawah kepemerintahan Mubarak , keadaan di Mesir cenderung stabil. Mubarak membangun hubungan baik dengan negara-negara barat dan Israel. Namun dibalik kestabilan yang dicapainya, korupsi,kemiskinan dan penindasan oleh negara itu semakin meningkat.
Awal januari 2011 para aktivis mengajak rakyat untuk turun kejalan menuntut turunnya Presiden Mubarak dari kursi kepemimpinan dan melakukan berbagai kegiatan seperti  kemiskinan, korupsi dan menggulingkan otoriter  Mubarak..
25 Januari Mesir memperingati ulang tahun kepolisian. Dan rakyat memperingatinya dengan turun kejalan dalam jumlah masa yang banyak  dan menyebutnya sebagai The Day of Anger (hari kemarahan). Protes terjadi diseluruh jantung kota Mesir.
Demontran terbagi dua. Ada yang digerakan oleh seorang tokoh Mesir, Mohammed ElBaradei mantan kepala badan nuklir di PBB dan disisi lain demonstasi  gerakan bedasarkan haluan islam, Ikhwanul Muslimin.
Bentrokan terjadi dimana-mana, polisi menembakan  gas air mata, peluru karet, dan meriam air. Korban berjatuhan hingga 150 orang tewas dan ribuan luka-lukanya.
Semua saluran komunikasi seperti jaringan internet,telepon dan sms semua diputus agar tidak ada lagi tindak provokasi yang membuat seluruh rakyat turun kejalan
6.149 WNI yang berada di Mesir di evakuasi untuk kembali ke Indonesia untuk menghindari jatuhnya korban  dari tindakan demonstrasi yang terjadi di negara itu. Pemerintah menyiapkan pesawat dari maskapai garuda Indonesia, Lion Air dan Sriwijaya Air untuk mengevakuasi WNI yang berada di Mesir. Ada beberapa mahasiswa yang mencoba bertahan di Mesir karena takut akan susah kembali ke Mesir.
Dampak dari Tragedi ini Mesir mengalami kerugian financial dari segala sector yang mencapai miliaran dolar. Kegiatan ekonomi tidak berjalan semestinya. Penjarahan toko semakin meluas dan kerusuhan dimana-mana. Museum dan tempat bersejarah lainnya ikut dirusak massa. Bahkan kepolisian menjaga ketat beberapa warisan kebudayaan seperti piramida dan sphynx.
Dampak lain dari musibah ini adalah bisa membuat ketidak nyamanan turis-turis yang ingin berwisata di negara pyramid tersebut..

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Book Worm

Lots of new inspiration arrived today- Scrapbook Trends, Cards & Quick & Easy from Northridge Media and then the Somerset Studio group arrived...

Where women Cook
( if you can't read crooked) 

Somerset Studio
(I really need to ask Melissa how to fix this)

Digital Studio
( This is annoying I know! )

and last but not least...

Somerset Studio

These will go quickly so let this be your warning.

Some Heritage Hall cheerleaders came in a few weeks ago to do a present for their coach who is having a baby very soon. Since there were 12 on the VJ squad, I decided to have them do an album for each month of the babies 1st year. 

The girls did a great job and had a ton of fun. It's so nice when the backroom is full of activity. The only thing I had to do was cover and assemble it-

This is also what I did today...  a little time with the Thanksgiving baby. So hard not to wake him but I resisted.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

FedEx just delivered Graphic 45 at 7 pm it will be out tomorrow- but not at 10 am please.

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Ready, Set, GO!

And the first company over the CHA 2011 winter finish line is........drum roll please.....Echo Park! They are always very quick and this was no exception. Echo Park's new lines "Springtime" and "For the Record" were the first to arrive at our back door and begin the spring frenzy.

Echo Parks "Springtime"
Echo Park's "For the Record"

As you can see, "Springtime" is lots of soft pinks, blues, yellows and lavenders. It is very "springy" hence the name- brilliant marketing. I think a bigger plus to this line is the inclusion of  purple. If you love purple, you know it is very scarce in paper lines- this one has many so don't be slow it will be devoured quickly by all those purple people eaters.

" For The Record" is reds, greens, teals and black. It has the vintage ephemera element but also a little wedding. It is truly a very pretty and very eclectic line. We received the complete collection for both so come while the picking is good- see you tomorrow Chelsea!

We also got in this week several boxes from Notions, which is a craft warehouse for many different brands. It has a hodge podge of everything and is where we get our modge podge- corny I know, I couldn't resist.
I would best describe this shipment as a burst of living color in...

Glitter Paper (2 towers full)....


Glimmer Mist and.....

Our 1st shipment of Copic pens!


This infusion of color just makes me happy and I bet it will you also. The fun is just beginning and shipments should be arriving on a regular basis for the next month!

Come by and see the color explosion and for those of you signed up for Franc and Alice's Wonderland Book, it's on for tomorrow evening- yippee no snow!

Hope your dreams tonight will be in "Paper Crown living color." nite, nite

Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!
 Here are some of our favorite sweet treats!

hearts made by kiddos in preschool- it's a Valentine tradition to wear these

Hoping your day is full of chocolate, treats, flowers and an overabundance of love!

6 boxes arrived this morning so I'm off to unpack- what a great present!

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Soul Restoration

Drats! I had planned on posting today about the new Echo Park lines that were scheduled to be delivered  but I guess UPS and old man winter had different plans. As I walked around the store today nothing was shouting "pick me." It's a bad sign if after a week I have writer's block. Then it hit me- Thursday is the one day a week that I have a very different routine. Although at some point in the day I end up at the store, gotta chat with Franc, the rest of the day is what helps me to stay grounded and keeps things in perspective. I really need that because I have a tendency to get way, way off course.

The first thing I do on Thursdays is go to my woman's bible study at All Soul's. I'm not really sure how I ended up there, that isn't where I go to church and a far far cry from my Baptist upbringing but after the " troubles" that is where I landed. For the longest time I didn't say a word but just had this feeling that was where I needed to be. At times I really had a yearning- strange word hard to define but that's really how I would describe it. I have done a whole library of Beth Moore bible studies (at times, one at All Soul's and another on my own. I'm truly not being pious I just needed it during those times- kinda like I need a pot of coffee in the am). I can tell you that during each study, there has been a moment when I swear she was talking directly to me and me alone. If you haven't taken a Beth Moore study you are missing out- she is very real and very very funny. It's kinda like Sunday School and you and your best girlfriend are at the same church. Beth also played a part in meeting Prince Charming but more on that later.

After a little "big girl time" I then head to my favorite school for a little " little girl time." Years ago when my oldest was in kindergarten, I mentored a little girl in her class- or should I say she mentored me and our whole family. I realized this summer that I really missed that so I asked our principal to find me a mentor- I now realize I get so much more out of these sessions than they do, it's purely selfish on my part.

As I'm sitting in the principal's office she calls for my mentoree but it wasn't one but 5 of the tiniest, cutest "little bits" you have ever seen. They entered the office from tallest to shortest, just like the von Trapp's and just like Maria, I was hooked. We have the best time just reading, doing homework and talking. They have the funniest little stories and get so much enjoyment from the smallest things- who would have thought a pink paper clip could make a girl do a cartwheel. They have taught me a lot but some things they keep to themselves- "Ms. Cindy you don't wanna know what chitlins are you,wouldn't like it but I sure do"

my favorite girls

If you love kids and have never mentored a student I highly recommend it. I guarantee you will walk away each time with a new perspective and a heart that has been blessed.

So that's how I spend my Thursdays- it may be my most important day of the week! And thank you girly girls for skipping, hopping jumping, dancing, singing, giggling, hugging and rapping into my life- I'm the lucky

Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

This Week's Classes- Maybe!!

Snow, snow GO away and don't come any other day! We have it again- forecast of 6-12" of snow barreling into the state as I type. It was fun at first but now is a little old. I'm tired of all those cold weather meals (stew, soup, breakfast for dinner, even hot chocolate), tired of salt sledge everywhere, tired of rescheduling and I'm really tired of those zeros for the day's sales.  However, it has provided a much needed halt and I actually read a book, did my ATC cards, filed 6 months worth of paperwork and removed that 6" of dust from dresser- so i guess all in all it evens out.

We are open today for all your snow day crafting supplies and if you participated in the ATC Swap, your cards are ready.

Franc and Alice's Wonderland Book
Thursday, Feb. 10th
5:30-8:30, $45.00

If I was a betting gal, I would place my money on a reschedule for this class on Thursday BUT... on the off chance every meteorologist in town is incorrect- we will wait until tomorrow to reschedule. If we have a lot of snow tonight, this class will be rescheduled for next Tuesday, February 15th. There are still a few class spots available so it just might be your lucky day. If interested, call the store to reserve your spot.   

Valentine girlie
Saturday, February 12
11-4, $85.00

Saturday looks good, 50's, so Ann Denise should be able to cross the Red River and inspire us with another wonder class. There are a few spots still available in this paper clay class. you know the drill by now, just call the store, 848-2389, to reserve your spot. After being cooped up inside for a few days this will be just what you need! 

Hope you all stay warm and if it's a snow day make it an incredible art day! c 

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

Kid's Camp

This is one of my favorite 3rd graders- just the right mix of sweetness and sass- and I'm so glad she and her sister "lil bit" came to kid's camp with mom today. As you can see, she takes after her mom and is a wonderful artist.

For those of you that haven't heard, Hillari and I teach a kid's art camp once a month on Sunday afternoons. The projects range from painting, sculpting, paper arts- you never know what we might come up with but it is always fun. The cost and whether it is a one or two session camp depends on the project. Today they created a 3-d heart which we referred to as a "tinker toy" heart. They were all so very unique and absolutely beautiful.

The kiddos have done some wonderful pieces over the past several years. Here are a few of our favorites-

Honestly these were done by little kids, not one over 5th grade
As you can see, this is artwork you would love to display in your home. Actually we often have adults that come into the store and want to sign up for Kid's Camp. 

Hillari and I are so delighted you share your wonderful children with us- I can't think of anything I would rather do. One nice thing about kiddos, they believe everything you say and on occasion I admit I've had to wing it.

Kid's camp is open to any child who has finished 1st grade. Classes are usually from 1:30-4:30 and we provide a healthy- with an occasionally not so healthy - treat. Anytime we load them up on sugar you can be guaranteed it was the last 30 mins. of class- we did that once and got to experience a group " sugar high" - Never again!

Our next Kid's camp is Sunday, February 27th from 1:30-4:30. This will be  "Meet the Masters" where the kiddos will create three mini projects representative of three of the art world's greatest masters- can you tell we haven't narrowed down the last artist. Cost for "Meet the Masters" is $80.00 and you can contact the store for more information or to reserve your spot. 

Hope you all are enjoying the Superbowl and may your team win!